How short is too short for my lawn

How short is too short for my lawn

How short is too short for my lawn?

A few tips when you are mowing your lawn yourself or hiring a lawn mowing service.  Aztech Landscaping does NOT offer mowing although there are many local small businesses that can provide that service so we recommend to ask your family, friends and neighbors who they would recommend.

Mowing your lawn may seem like a straightforward task, but the WAY you mow makes a big difference to your lawn’s overall health. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you mow: Don’t mow too short! Most growth happens in the top 2 inches of a blade of grass because that’s where photosynthesis (converting of sunlight to energy for growth) takes place. If you scalp your lawn, you take off all the growing parts. New growth then has to come from the crown, which robs energy from the roots.

How often to mow? Ideal mowing frequency is closely tied to the growth rate. Spring and fall generally are times of faster growth, and you may need to mow more than once per week. Just never remove more than 1/3 of the total blade height in a single mowing.

Alternate Directions It’s a good idea to vary your pattern from mowing to mowing to avoid the grass being mashed down the same way each time. Mowing at a right angle to the previous mowing’s pattern works well to keep your lawn “standing tall.”

Stay Sharp Sharpen your lawn mower blades often to avoid your mowed grass having a “chewed” or ripped appearance.

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Popular service areas include: Lake Holiday, Oswego, Sandwich, Sugar Grove, and Yorkville. (see more areas)

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Helping Grass Survive the Summer and HOT Temperatures TIPS

Helping Grass Survive the Summer and HOT Temperatures TIPS

Some types of grass do better in high temperatures, but all are likely to suffer as the thermometer rises during the hottest months of the year. Keeping the lawn healthy can be a challenge.
For those battling hot days, scorching sun and the occasional drought, HGTV offers suggestions for keeping the lawn healthy and green until cooler days return.

Keep Grass Longer – Keeping grass a little longer in the heat of summer helps, The roots extend deeper into the earth, keeping weeds from coming up and competing for water. And because the turf is denser, it requires less water.

Sharpen Mower Blades – A sharp blade is always important, but never more so than during hot summer months. Dull blades cause grass to fray. Frayed grass is far more likely to brown.

When to Mow – Mowing less frequently and cutting early in the day or holding out until the sun begins to go down. Freshly cut grass is more likely to sustain damage in the hot sun and keeping the lawn cool will cut down on those brown spots.

Mulch – Instead of bagging grass clippings, use a mulching mower. Allowing mulched grass to settle into the lawn will help trap moisture, keeping the lawn cooler and better hydrated. A mulching mower can be beneficial to the lawn all year long but is especially helpful for beating the summer heat.

Fertilizing – Depending on the type of grass, you can probably skip fertilizing during the summer. If your lawn is having trouble, before you get into fertilizers, have the soil tested first to see if there are deficiencies. If fertilizer makes sense, look at organic, time-release fertilizers to avoid burning your lawn.

When to Water – Most lawns require about an inch of water per week to stay healthy. An irrigation system is ideal for lawn hydration, but no matter how the lawn is watered, time of day makes a difference. Watering during the hottest part of the day will not damage grass, suggests some experts, but rapid evaporation can be an issue. Deep, infrequent watering during morning hours allows moisture to be more efficiently absorbed by the root system.




Information brought to you by HGTV article

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885 Piper Way

Sandwich, IL 60548

815.786.7647 Office

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Office Hours:

M-F 8 am - 4 pm

Sat 8 am - 1 pm



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© 2023 Aztech Landscaping of Sandwich, IL provides landscaping services and decorative stone patios.
Popular service areas include: Lake Holiday, Oswego, Sandwich, Sugar Grove, and Yorkville. (see more areas)

website design by Willow Marketing Solutions


Mowing the lawn for the first time in the spring

Mowing the lawn for the first time in the spring

It’s time to dust off your lawnmower and gardening tools to prepare for the season ahead.

Our yards play an important part in our spring and summer enjoyment – they host parties, provide a space to play, relax and read, and offer our borders and flora a plain backdrop from which they can shine.

We wanted to share some tips we found for cutting the lawn for the first time this year.


After months of being starved of sunshine, your garden may look a little neglected. It’s important, before your lawn’s first cut of the year, to take time to clear any mess including dead sticks, leaves and any rubbish that may have gathered.

Check to see what is hiding in the garden; the likes of stones and thick branches may have made their way into the overgrown lawn and if the lawnmower catches these, it can damage the mower blade. Keeping the mower blade sharp is vital as the damage a dull blade can cause could be detrimental to the grass.


Although the difference in climate can vary depending on where you are in the country, research has shown that the first two weeks in April are the most popular time to dig the lawnmower out for the first time and give the garden a good trim.



When cutting your lawn for the first time, you should always follow the one third rule: never cut more than a third of the blade of grass in one go. Cutting more than this can stress the grass.

You should gradually reduce the grass length over a number of weeks to reach the desired length. Cutting the grass too short, too fast, is known as ‘scalping’ which can lead to disease and weed infestation.


If your lawn has been a little unkempt throughout the colder months and has grown with a mind of its own then fear not, still follow the one third rule but take it in stages over a number of weeks. Gradually decrease the cutting height on your lawnmower each time to reach your preferred grass length.

But only apply this to the smaller area you’d like to maintain, as mentioned above. Embrace the wildness in the rest of the lawn and allow it to flourish.



Don’t forget about the edges when cutting your lawn for the first time. Overgrown edges can look unsightly and can mean time and effort spent working in the garden has been in vain. Trim the edges straight after mowing.



It’s best to avoid getting into the habit of watering your lawn immediately after mowing. There is no specific point in the month to give your lawn a hose down – it should simply be done whenever it needs moisture – however, there are a few guidelines on what time it should be done during the day:

Watering late in the evening or at night can lead to fungal problems due to the fact the grass doesn’t have time to dry out.

The middle of the day tends to be when the sun is at its hottest, which can lead to the water evaporating instantly or the droplets acting as a magnifying glass, burning the blades of grass.

Therefore, the best time is first thing in the morning as the air is cool and the water can travel to the roots before drying up.



New grass that has been grown from the seed will be noticeably weaker than the rest of the lawn and can be easily damaged if cut incorrectly. It’s best to wait until the grass has grown over three inches in length until mowing for the first time to allow it time to build up strength.


Following your first cut of the season, you may need to mow the maintained part of your lawn once or twice a week to maintain the length you desire. This is due to the warm weather encouraging your garden to grow.


It’s important to remember that no two lawns or gardens are the same even if they are side by side. Take into consideration the condition and size of your lawn, and your gardening needs when choosing the best tool for the job.



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